Ag Value
When requesting an ag value assessment please have ready the landowners name, address of the parcel, pin number, total parcel acreage, if renting, how many acres is the farmer using, and contact information.
Soil Maps
Oneida County Soils Descriptions
102B—Honeoye silt loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes
This very deep, gently sloping, well drained soil is on drumlins and hilltops and in slightly convex areas on glaciated uplands in the southern part of the county. It formed in glacial till derived from limestone and calcareous shale. Areas of this map unit are mainly broad or irregular in shape. They are as much as 1,617 acres in size but typically are less than 200 acres.
Included areas make up about 25 percent of the map unit. They are as much as 5 acres in size. They are as follows—
• Moderately well drained Lima, somewhat poorly drained Kendaia, and somewhat poorly drained Appleton soils in depressions and slightly concave areas
• On the same landforms as the Honeoye soil, Lansing soils, which are deeper to carbonates than the Honeoye soil
• Some areas of poorly drained Lyons soils on the more nearly level parts of the landscape, in the deeper depressions, and along drainageways
• Some areas of moderately well drained Cazenovia soils, which have a higher content of clay in the subsoil than the Honeoye soil
• Small areas of Honeoye soils that have slopes of less than 3 percent
Most areas of this map unit are used for cultivated crops, hay, or pasture. A few areas are used as woodland. This unit ranks among the soils in the county that meet the requirements for prime farmland.
Cropland.—This unit is well suited to cultivated crops. Erosion is a hazard on long slopes and in the steeper areas. Stripcropping and a conservation tillage system that leaves crop residue on the surface after planting help to control erosion. Returning crop residue to the soil and regularly adding other organic material help to maintain tilth.
Pasture.—This unit is well suited to pasture. Rotational grazing and proper stocking rates help to keep the pasture in good condition. Applications of fertilizer and weed control increase forage yields.
Dwellings.—In most areas few or no limitations affect the use of this unit as a site for dwellings.
Septic tank absorption fields.—The slow or very slow permeability in the dense substratum and the seasonal high water table in the lower part of the substratum somewhat limit the use of this unit as a site for conventional septic tank absorption fields. Enlarging the absorption field or the trenches below the distribution lines increases the rate at which the soil absorbs effluent. Drains installed upslope from the
absorption field and diversions that intercept runoff from the higher areas reduce the wetness.
Local roads and streets.—The potential for frost action somewhat limits the use of this unit as a site for local roads and streets. Constructing the roads on raised additions of coarse grained subgrade and base material to frost depth can reduce the adverse effects of this limitation. The land capability subclass is 2e.