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Water Quality

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Stormwater Management
Stormwater runoff is created when water from heavy rain storms or snow melt flows over the surface of the land rather than percolating into the soil. High volumes of stormwater runoff create flooding hazards and water quality impairments. The effects of stormwater runoff are most pronounced at two sources: construction sites, and storm sewer system outfalls. The Environmental Protection Agency has issued new regulations designed to control runoff from these two sources. 


Stormwater 101: The Oneida County SWCD works with 15 local municipalities to prevent pollution in their municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s). Polluted stormwater plagues local water resources such as the Sauquoit Creek, the Oriskany Creek and the Mohawk River. Contaminated stormwater is the most common cause of the nonpoint source pollution that affects our streams, lakes, rivers and wetlands. We all share responsibility for protecting our water resources. Businesses share this responsibility too.


  • Auto shops 

  • Restaurants 

  • Construction brochure 

  • Car wash brochure 


Construction Sites: Phase II Stormwater Regulations require construction site operators to develop Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans or Erosion and Sediment Control Plans for disturbances of greater than or equal to 1 acre. The NYSDEC’s General Permit for Construction Activities affects construction site operators throughout New York State. Further restrictions within MS4 areas may also be in effect. For more information, contact the Region 6 office of the DEC at 793-2554 or contact the Soil and Water Conservation District at 736-3334. Questions can be emailed to Payton Resse.  

MS4s: Phase II Stormwater Regulations require Muncipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) in small cities to develop Stormwater Management Plans. The SWMPs require completion of 6 minimum measures including: 


  • public education 

  • public participation 

  • illicit connection detection and elimination 

  • construction site runoff control 

  • post construction controls 

  • good housekeeping

Flood Control and Streambank Stabilization 
Technical assistance is offered for bank stabilization best management practices including bioengineering with live willow stakes and natural channel design. In addition to floodplain reconnection and correct watershed stream dimensions. This program is perfect for any landowners or business’s that may have questions or concerns about water/flooding issues within the facilities or around it. For more information, please contact Payton Resse at 315-736-3334 or 


121 2nd St, Oriskany, NY 13424, USA

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